So as I am doing my usual "blog run" I'm hit with this bullshit. George Zimmerman (who will be referred to later in this blog as the "child killer") being referred to as a celebrity? A lot of words come to mind but celebrity aint one of them; Murderer, Liar, Child Killer, Good for nothing........... (you fill in the blanks)
Celebrity - That's a huge "Hell to the NO Bobby" in my best Whitney voice. If I was a celebrity I would not want that child killer's name associated with Me at all. #wheredeydothatat This world is going to hell in a hand basket real quick. If you look up the term Celebrity on Wikipedia it states one of the ways to gain celebrity status is by committing mass murder!!! Aint that some bullshit! SMH
JayZ told yall about that "fame" and it definitely applies in this case.
The worst drug known to man
It's stronger than, heroin
When you could look in the mirror like, "There I am"
And still not see, what you've become
It's stronger than, heroin
When you could look in the mirror like, "There I am"
And still not see, what you've become
Then I read a couple more blogs and it's saying that child killer is willing to box anybody including a black person in a celebrity boxing match. Let's just get an understanding about me real quick. I don't knock anyone's hustle, NOBODIES!!! I'm a hustler. Will probably always be a hustler, Everyday I'm hustling. BUT the person or organization that is willing to put this child killer on TV to make money is a sorry son of ........................ (you fill in the blank)
All money ain't good money. Sometimes you need to know when to hold them and when to fold them. He's not worthy. I wouldn't piss on child killer if he was running by me on fire holding a million dollar check! He be a dead and burned up fucking wit da kid! Then he'd get pissed on!
The child killer needs to sit the FUCK DOWN. Better yet go crawl back from wherever he came from. If its one thing I know, it's that bitch KARMA!!! She is a bitch but a bitch that dishes out just what you deserve. As sure as OJ Simpson sits in a Nevada jail a child killer will NOT go unpunished!!!
RIP - Trayvon Martin
Lyrics to JayZ's "Lost One" found on http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/jayz/lostone.html