I read somewhere that Kris Jenner and her talk show was cancelled and I got all excited. It felt like Christmas. Then I went to look for a picture to put on the blog post and low and behold now they're saying it's not true. I am severely crushed. I am tired of Kris, Khloe, Kim, KK, Karaoke and all other things that start with the letter K! I just want them all to go away way way (threw in a lil dr seuss for yall). I never watched the show one time. From the moment I read that she was getting a talk show I adamantly decided that I would not be a part of that ish!!!!
There are far more people deserving of a talk show besides Kris Jenner. She needs to go take a Geritol, act her age and sit on the sofa with her white cardigan sweater and her tissue stuffed up the sleeve.
Looks like your prayers were answered! LOL!